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Founder Inserts Blood Sugar Monitoring System in a Quarantine Baby Food Fast


Founder Inserts Blood Sugar Monitoring System in a Quarantine Baby Food Fast


Call it quarantine, call it crazy but last week founder and CEO of Amara, a food technology company that is starting by bringing better, more nutritious baby food meals to our youngest generations, inserted a blood sugar monitoring system in her arm (constant glucose monitor CGM). After telling people that our brand was better – we decided to show them visually says Jessica Sturzenegger.

founder inserts blood sugar monitor

She spent two weeks on a really strict schedule, alternating between eating different brands of baby food and fasting for 3 hours to affect the results as little as possible. The glucose monitoring system constantly measured her blood sugar and the effect each brand had on her rise of blood sugar. Not surprisingly, the traditional jars and pouches, often very heavily processed, showed a much higher spike in glucose than Amara.

comparison in baby food sugar

While it's not a scientific study, and it's not meant to be, Jessica says “We just want you to stop and pause and take an extra moment to think about the food we eat, and how it's made. We could talk about it for days, but the food you eat and the process behind the way the food is made radically changes the way your body absorbs it and reacts to it. At Amara, we strongly believe the food you eat changes the way you feel and think. It's why we started Amara, and it's why we bring you the taste, texture and nutrients of WHOLE ingredients.


Amara is the future of food. By using a proprietary technology, we can lock in the benefits of fresh, without parents having to worry about chopping, blending or keeping it cold. It’s whole meals, ready where and when parents need them most.  


While so many people are at home, the quality of food and nutrients are something people are thinking about everywhere – for themselves, and for their babies. At just under $3 a meal, Amara brings the future of baby food – for every family.

Find Amara at select Whole Foods and grocery stores nationwide or shop the organic vegetable, fruits, baby cereals and plant based meals at, delivered to your doorstep, so you're always ready. 

Follow along with us on social. Find us on IG at @amarababyfood

1 Comment

Always try to give the child the unadulterated form of food first. This way they learn to appreciate taste not just sweet.

– Kathy zolondek July 22, 2020

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