*This blog post is in partnership with ParasolCo. Read to the bottom to get your exclusive coupon code to shop their natural, disposable diapers & skincare products.

It’s a little misleading to say that this piece is going to cover skin care “for babies with sensitive skin,” because to a certain extent all babies have sensitive skin — even infants that don’t suffer from the classic maladies (diaper rash, eczema, cradle cap, etc.) have incredibly delicate skin that is more vulnerable to climate changes (the sun, extreme cold, wind), contact irritants (ranging from soaps and perfumes to scratchy fabric and the like), and environmental factors (allergens, dust, smoke, etc.).
When it comes to taking care of baby’s skin, preventing dryness and irritation is much easier (and less stressful!) than working to clear it up. Here are our top tips for baby skin care — all of which reiterate the overarching precept that “less is more.”
- Ditch the Daily Bath
Babies actually don’t need a bath every single day — in fact, bathing too frequently can impact a baby’s skin barrier and contribute to dryness (and thus irritation). Pediatricians say that giving a baby a short, lukewarm (not hot!) bath 2-3 times per week is typically plenty (I took this to the next level and was on a once-per-week plan, hah!).
In between baths, you can use a damp washcloth to clean hard-to-reach areas where spit-up, drool, breastmilk/formula, or urine tends to hide — keep a special eye out for rolls, skin folds, and crevices where moisture can lurk and lead to problems.

- Ditch the Products… & the Additives
Dermatologists and pediatricians recommend using fewer products on baby’s skin — infancy isn’t the time for a 10-step regimen. Many traditional baby products — like baby powder and diaper rash cream — are actually implicated in irritating sensitive skin, and almost everything in the baby aisle at your local grocery store, ranging from bath bubbles to laundry detergent, contains sensitizing additives and ingredients that can harm babies’ sensitive skin. It’s really problematic marketing!
Opting for bath products with fewer ingredients can help protect your baby’s skin — and be especially careful to avoid products that contain fragrances and dyes. Parasol Co.’s baby bathproducts are hypoallergenic and gentle by design; each one is formulated without any fragrances, dyes, or irritants.

And although many parents don’t think of diapers as skin care, that’s not true! Diaper rash is often caused by wet, heavy diapers chafing against baby’s delicate skin — so choosing a diaper that’s designed to keep your baby dry, and leaves out toxic additives is super important to protect your baby’s skin health. Parasol Co.’s diapers are specifically formulated to be lightweight, better fitting, and moisture wicking, and they’re also formulated without the litany of additives that are known to irritate sensitive skin: fragrance, dyes, alcohol, chlorine, chemicals, lotion, parabens, phthalates, preservatives, heavy metals, and latex. (Can you believe all this might go into something that’s touching your baby’s skin all the time???)
- Ditch the Processed Foods… & Food Additives
There is so much exciting research ongoing right now about the extent to which our diets impact our skin — and babies are no exception. It seems every day I’m reading a new article emphasizing that nutrition scientists are more certain than ever that eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet featuring whole foods (rather than processed food products) is crucial for body and skin health. Clean eating helps reduce inflammation, and also supports a healthy gut microbiome, which in turn helps build up the immune system and protect skin health.

If your baby is eating solids, Amara organic baby food purees are made from organic whole foods, and their production methods actually leave real food’s nutritional structure and composition intact — which means baby gets more flavor and nutrients than from traditional baby food companies. Amara is easy to prep fresh with water, breast milk, or formula, and there’s never any added anything — no sugar, no binding agents, no additives, and no fuss. Moms say that it’s like homemade baby food without the hassle. Your baby can eat her way to healthy, happy skin, LOL.
- Lastly… Use a Humidifier!
Especially during the colder months of winter, when our household heating systems suck up the skin’s moisture, using a humidifier can really help to protect and retain your baby’s skin barrier. Don’t forget to change the water regularly. :)
While there is of course a certain genetic component to skin health, living by the “less-is-more” approach can help you to soothe your baby’s skin and prevent problems from arising. Let us know how it goes!
“Your blog on skin care tips for babies with sensitive skin is a valuable guide, offering crucial advice and insights. Well-done!”
– Okkabeautydubai November 07, 2023