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Top Ten Things to bring in your hospital bag

Top Ten Things to bring in your hospital bag

Once you start approaching 34 weeks, it’s time to start packing that hospital bag! But what do you need to put into it? Here are ten things that we recommend that you should take no matter what.

1. Important Paperwork - Gotta start with the basics. You’ll need your ID, insurance card, any pre-admission paperwork, and a birth plan if you have one.

2. An Infant Car Seat - Whoever drives you and baby home must have an infant car seat. The hospital won’t let you carry the baby home in your arms.

3. Clothing for Baby- If it is cold, you will need to have clothing or blankets to protect the baby. Babies are very sensitive to cold. Also, they will need clothing with split legs so they can fit into the car seat. Don't forget the newborn diapers too, some hospitals will give you a pack of the newborn baby diapers but others will not. Better to bring them with you just in case.

4. Changes of Clothes for Mom- Any clothes you bring should be loose and something you don’t mind getting dirty, and there should be enough for a stay of 1-3 days just to be safe.

5. Camera/Video Recorder- If you’re going to record the event, you gotta make sure you have a way to do it! Don’t forget extra batteries as well. If your smartphone is going to handle it all, don’t forget the charger.

6. Entertainment- Sometimes labor lasts a long time. You and your partner won’t want to depend on whatever is on TV. Bring light reading or a tablet full of games to distract yourself.

7. Cash - You don’t have to be forced to eat the hospital food. A little cash for the vending machines or to send a family member out for a fast food run is helpful to have if you get a craving.

8. Pillow - A familiar pillow can make it much easier to sleep in a hospital bed.

9. Baby Nail Clippers or Emery Board -Hospitals won’t cut baby’s nails due to liability reasons. If you don’t want to mitten your baby, bring these so you can handle them yourself.

10. Toiletries - Better to bring your own than hope that the hospital will provide them for you. They may not have more personal things like contact lens solution or toothbrushes.

We all know how fast pregnancy goes so the earlier you pack your hospital bag, the better. Pack now so you don’t have to worry later!

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