Hi! I’m Jess. I’m CEO and founder of Amara and those who know me best probably know my parents too. My parents are both entrepreneurs and showed me what it meant to grow businesses and grow a family. That’s why here at Amara, we decided to dig a little closer and bring you a mini series of interviews with moms that are running fantastic companies, while raising little ones. Because let’s be serious, #momboss is akin to superhero in our book.
I’m here today to talk about when “entrepreneur” meets the word “parent”. Growing Amara has allowed me to meet the most amazing moms and dads that every day, bend over backwards to make the impossible possible for their kids. Through social media, I’ve had the unique opportunity to get to know a few of you, and to admire even more of you from a far. I started interviewing you because sometimes starting something seems like a big goal, sometimes starting something feels like something “other people” do. At Amara, we interview founders of these companies so you can see that Mia from Snuggle me, Mushie from Mushie Co and all of these mamas that started their amazing companies are just people. Just like you and me.
You didn’t get a manual when you became a parent, and you don’t get a manual when you’re running a company – so, we’re here to show you - whatever you are dreaming of doing, whether it’s the next million-dollar business or starting the blog you’ve always dreamed of - it’s possible.
One of the companies we’ve admired is @thejadababy - a home décor platform started by celebrity fashion stylist & interior designer Jade Neoni. She not only has a stunning feed, but she also has these pillows and throws that are beautifully made and perfect for any little corner in your house.
First, how did you go from a celebrity fashion stylist to having your own company?
I was always involved in designing spaces for kids, I designed my 1st collection when I was 19 years old in Brooklyn and just kept going since then. Then, I started designing nurseries and spaces for Courtney Cox and Gwyneth Paltrow.
That’s amazing, tell me more about why these famous moms were trusting YOU for their choices?
I’ve always been known for having an eye for detail and really deeply understanding the trends and what they wanted. Creating beautiful spaces takes a million tiny miracles, tiny elements that you love – that then, put together create a cool space that they are going to call home.
So how did you go from designing other people’s spaces to launching your own products?
I wanted to create products that were attainable for every day real moms but still gave them that luxury feel. Whether you have a $5 budget or a $200 budget, I want to show moms that they can create spaces in their homes today that are what you have always dreamed of. The pillows and the blankets are just the first products. My ultimate goal is to create a home décor brand everything in that space but you have to start somewhere.
“You have to start somewhere” - that’s such a good line, what words of advice would you have to someone that is starting their own business or idea?
Start. There were always be obligations or things you have to do; the hardest part is to get started. You might not be able to do it at the level you want to, or with all the products you wanted to but just start. And then once you start, don’t quit. In today’s world everything seems so instant and you forget that people spend years building it to get to what you see today. So, wherever you are, start that one thing you’ve always dreamed of. It might not work, and it might not be where you will be in two years; but start it, wherever you are.
So you’re a mom - talk to me about that balance between work and raising your little, how did you make it work?
I think the most important part is to honor who you are. Part of who I am is an entrepreneur so when I had a baby, I couldn’t separate being a mom with who I am. I wanted her to be a part of it. When I was designing the nursery of a famous celebrity, my daughter was on the rug eating cheerios. When I was doing a photo shoot, she was with me.
That’s great, your daughter’s older now, does she talk about it?
Yes, now she is thinking about starting her own restaurant one day. I believe you get the kids you need. Sometimes I would feel guilty, like maybe I should be playing barbies with her or out in the yard catching butterflies – but now I see that I taught her, I taught her to dream big. That dream doesn’t always look the same for everyone, but live the dream.
Your Instagram feed is so inspiring, what do you hope people will leave with after seeing your website and feed?
I don’t want to just sell you a blanket or a pillow, I want to inspire you to live your most beautiful life today, wherever you are. Whether you’re in your dream house or in a tiny apartment, create those spaces today, don’t wait.
A lot of times starting a business can seem like a far out dream, but Jada is just one example of the supermoms we admire. The best part of this all is getting to talk to each founder and hearing the passion they have behind what they are doing. Don’t forget to support her on Instagram – her feed is just stunning!
For all you parents out there trying to make the impossible, possible – we know that homemade baby food is often times more of a dream than a reality, right? For those times, Amara is here to bring you the next best thing to fresh homemade baby food. Because you CAN get all the benefits of fresh homemade, anytime, anywhere.
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