The Basics of Baby Feeding Schedules: Why, When and How to Start a Routine

Routine is important to everyone’s day-to-day life. Most people have set times for when they eat, go to bed and go to work. When it comes to a baby’s basic needs, it is important to establish routine fairly early on. Even though your child’s brain is still developing, it will learn when to expect certain things, such as when food is coming.


When your baby seems ready, you should start enforcing a stricter feeding schedule. This helps greatly going forward. If you ever need to leave your baby with a sitter, then you know exactly what to tell the person for when the child needs to be fed. Establishing a feeding schedule will also help because at the same time, you should also be creating sleep and play schedules. All these reinforce one another.


Babies can be difficult in the first few weeks. However, at around the two or four month mark, you want to try to get your baby on a regular feeding schedule. Before you get to this point, you should keep track of when your baby seems hungry naturally. Take notes, and incorporate this information into the emerging routine. For example, if your baby usually gets hungry at around 1 p.m. naturally, then you could elect to feed at that time in your schedule.


After a few months, it is acceptable to get a little stricter when it comes to when the baby gets fed and goes to bed. However, it is vital to still be lenient. If your baby is hungry, then you would not want to withhold food for the sole purpose of adhering to the schedule. All babies are different, and yours may need more time to stick to a schedule.

It is always a good time to give your baby Amara Organic Baby Food packets. Your baby will definitely look forward to these tasty, nutritious meals, and you can learn more by sending in a completed contact form.

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