10 Great Places to Have a Birthday Party | Birthday Ideas for babies & toddlers | Kid 1st Birthday Party Inspiration
10 Great Places to Have a Birthday Party | Birthday Ideas for babies & toddlers | Kid 1st Birthday Party Inspiration
Your baby’s first birthday is a big event, yet coming up with first birthday party ideas can be seriously difficult! (How does anyone even find baby-friendly party places??) Whether you’re planning a big bash or a small gathering, and whether you’re aiming for a full-out gala (LOL… but people actually do this, I’m serious) or a low-key play date, check out these 10 exciting places to host your baby’s first birthday party. Do it up as much or as little as you want -- and have fun, friends!

First -- a couple of quick suggestions…
Consider the timing -- Two hours is a good threshold. Any more and you risk cutting into naps/meals/etc and/or just losing folks (think about how long you’d want to stay at a one-year-old’s birthday party…). You can aim for an “ideal” time slot, but since this isn’t going to be the same for all parties, don’t kill yourself trying to make things line up perfectly for everyone -- whatever time you end up picking will inevitably be someone’s nap time.
Come prepared -- Wherever you have your baby’s birthday party, make sure you’re well-stocked with (select all that apply!):
- Wipes and/or sanitizing wipes
- Easy snacks/finger foods (things like berries, cheese, or avocado are usually crowd-pleasers, but if you’re going for convenience (sanity?), check out Amara’s yogurt melts -- they’re organic, no sugar added, and super EASY, plus they pack a big flavor -- tots love them.)
- A trash bag (in case of dirty diapers)
- An extra blanket or two
- Location-specific extras (see each locale for relevant suggestions)
- Sunscreen (and/or bug spray)
- Decorations -- balloons and streamers are easy…

Be prepared -- Someone will (probably) cry and (probably) poop and (definitely) fall asleep. You have a one-year-old -- you know the drill!
And lastly…
4. Don’t sweat it -- Don’t stress about the decorations, favors, etc… and don’t play the comparison game with your BFF who gave out hand-knit hats to everyone who came, brought in a professional to decorate, and hired a photographer to capture all the moments. Do YOUR level of comfort, whether it’s going all-out (good for you!) or staying extra casual (good for you, too!).
Okay, parents, here are ten great birthday party ideas for the one-year milestone -- and let us know what you’re doing/did for your little one’s first!
1. Apple orchards or pumpkin patches

Apple orchards and pumpkin patches are a blast for babies -- they feature bright colors, open spaces free for exploring, and usually offer home-baked goodies (yes, I’m talking about those sugar donuts that smell like heaven sprinkled in cinnamon). Many locations also run hayrides and such that make for a nice structured activity. Plus, these spots also make for the cutest photos -- babies and pumpkins are just… yes.
2. Craft shops
[caption] Photo by Jonathan Sanchez on Unsplash
Try out a local baby-friendly craft shop (make sure to ask ahead about baby-safe paint because yes, they will wind up licking some) -- where babies can dig into a fun art project of some sort. It’s a colorful and tactile learning experience, and as a bonus, everyone goes home with a great keepsake. If there’s not a spot like this in your area, consider hiring a local art teacher to lead a class in your backyard or at a local park.
3. Baby & Mom Yoga Classes
So many yoga and fitness studios now offer “mommy and me” classes (or, alternatively, some specialize in stroller-based exercise classes), and these make for a really fun, interactive celebration. Depending on the season/weather, you could also ask a teacher to come to you and lead a class at your home/yard, the local park or beach, etc.
4. Botanical gardens
Enjoy open areas, scenic photo opportunities, and fresh air at a botanical garden in your area. Ask the caretakers if you can decorate or take a walk with the team and set up shop at a picnic table. Some may even have ready-made “party packages” with various options available.
5. Lakes & Beaches
[caption] Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash
Is there anything cuter than a little crew of babies at the beach? If your baby has a summer birthday (and geography permits), celebrate outside by the lake or the beach. (If it’s shoulder season, a good romp around on the beach in the spring or the fall can be great, too.) This one is free (!), folks, and so memorable. We like it over the pool, too, because it doesn’t necessarily have to include getting in the water. Think about packing a ton of sand toys to keep littles occupied 😎. (Other packables to consider: sunscreen, umbrella/sun shade, swim diapers, towels.)
6. Parks
[caption] Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash
Never underestimate simple parks – you can set them up for an array of first birthday ideas, including themed-parties. If there’s a good spot with baby-friendly playground equipment and/or picnic space (and/or sprinklers!), these are all super fun. Bring blankets!
7. Farms
[caption] Photo by Rowan S on Unsplash
As the local food movement continues to gain momentum, it’s becoming increasingly easy to visit family-friendly farms. Some even have petting stations (one near me literally offers “goat snuggling,” hah), wagon rides, and other fun activities for younger babies. If it’s spring and there are baby animals around… that’s amazing. Either way, babies love the interaction with animals -- and it’s seriously hilarious to watch how they respond to animal noises.
8. A Music Class
[caption] Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash
If there’s a place near you that offers baby music or dancing classes, this is another very fun(ny) birthday party idea for one-year-olds. It’s high-activity without being high-stress, and makes for a great bonding experience for parents present (hah). If there’s nowhere near you like this, an alternative could be asking a local music teacher to host an on-site class, or even asking around at your local library, as libraries often schedule various baby/tot classes (i.e., your children’s librarian might “know a guy”). *In a pinch, you could even buy a bunch of instruments and simply have a music-themed party in your own home or yard. *Raffi album required, LOL.
9. Play Gyms
Baby-friendly play gyms are a way for babies to have an active and thrilling day indoors. If there’s no specific place like this near you, check your local YMCA, which may have a gymnastics room or some similar space to rent. This is a great option especially if it’s winter or there’s a chance of inclement weather -- but watch out for high traffic places that tend to be super germy and always send kids home sick (you’ll notice that children’s museums don’t make an appearance on this list…).
10. Baby Food Party
For the emerging foodie [insert snooty cough here], you could think about having a baby food themed party, which might take any number of shapes (and will definitely require extra clean-up, hah). If there’s a DIY baby food kitchen in your area (they’re few and far between but they do exist), most have birthday party packages or group class options.
If you’re really going to DIY, you could host in your own home and either: 1) walk through a fun baby food recipe as a group, or 2) have a baby food swap where everyone brings their baby’s fave to share. (Yes, this last option is some combination of the 1950s-style cookie swap party and a potluck dinner. You’re welcome.)
Annnnd if you like the baby food party idea but aren’t super into the actual baby food making itself, check out Amara’s baby food puree mixed packs -- with one of these you could set up a little tasting for your troop of future food critics! How sophisticated 😉.
Pick an idea and go make some big memories. Let us know how it goes, happy birthday, little ones!
Hi, I’m looking for a special place and room to celebrate 1st birthday to my son on April. Do you have something like this?
– Tatiana November 07, 2023