Amara Baby Food: Food Fact Friday Winter Roundup

At Amara, we're a bunch of food nerds on a mission to bring better baby food to you and your family. We strongly believe that if you change the way our babies eat and expose them to REAL food, real nutrients, real textures and real tastes - we can radically change the way our future generations eat... and think!

Every Friday over on our Instagram, we bring you food fact Fridays, a place for us to do a deep dive into food facts (also what we know how to do best!). If you're looking for what baby food to try for your baby, or if you are looking to be a bit more informed about what is actually in your food and the process behind what you eat - this is the place for you.

With no further a due, here is our food fact Friday round up from the winter, but first: a little story about when we started Amara. 

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When we started everyone said we were crazy, baby food needs no changing. I would walk into meetings talking about how sugary baby food was and how different Amara was and buyers would stare at me blankly. .

But guess what, now, we are not the only ones trying to change to bring parents a better alternative to fresh, something a little less processed than your typical jars and pouches. Now, YOU mamas have asked for a truly better baby food so loudly, even mass media had to wake up :) Whether you make it yourself or use @amarababyfood - join us in the baby food revolution 🍎🥕🍠🍐Making homemade, possible.


Amara Best Baby Food_Food Fact 6 ingredient order matters

It's hard to figure out ingredient labels so here's the first tip. Make sure you pay attention to the order of the ingredients listed on the back (not on the front - that's marketing).
On the back, ingredients have to be listed by the amount in the baby food, so if apple puree or banana puree is one of the first ingredients in a pouch that is touting vegetables, skip it. It's mostly sugary apple concentrate and not those vegetables you thought it was.

Ingredient order matters. Find out how to read the ingredient label on a baby food jar and more over on our blog.


Amara Best Baby Food_Food Fact 7 can I feed cinnamon to my baby

🥦🥕🥦FOOD FACT FRIDAY 🥕🥦🥕 Cinnamon has been used for centuries for it's anti-inflammatory properties and benefits for digestion - but is it safe for your baby? We dove deep into the studies to find out:

FOR STARTERS: there are two types of cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon - they vary greatly in pureness and level of coumarin they contain.

ANTI-OXIDANT: Cinnamon is studied to have strong anti-oxidant properties as well as anti-fungal properties, explaining the wide use of cinnamon historically.

DIGESTION: It's also been rumored to be good for digestion - helping protect the stomach lining which prevents the digestive juices from harming the lining - this is still being studied today.

QUALITY: Depending on the quality of the cinnamon, the daily tolerated value for your baby can be as high as 2 teaspoons per day or as low as 0.1 teaspoon per day. Always consult with your pediatrician for what's right for your baby.

At @amarababyfood we use a touch of cinnamon in our Pumpkin Pear flavor for it’s anti inflammatory properties and to help expose your baby to different tastes and textures. Curious about how much cinnamon we use in our recipe? Comment below with your guesses and we’ll make sure to answer next week for our #foodfactfriday.
FYI The recommended daily limits of consumption of cinnamon for your baby is set by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment as the FDA does not have any guidelines yet on this.


Amara Best Baby Food_Food Fact 8 carrot feed vegetable

🥕🥕FOOD FACT FRIDAY 🥕🥕⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We're all about veggies here @amarababyfood so we wanted to dive into the WHY behind this noble veggie - the carrot. It's not only one of common first veggies for many babies, it's also full of yummy benefits for your mind and body. Here are some of our favorite facts about carrots:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
🥕Excellent source of beta-carotene: beta-carotene then turns into vitamin A in your body...⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
🥕Vitamin A is great for building strong healthy eyes in your baby⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
🥕Here we are again, talking about poop. Carrots are a good source of fiber - which means smooth bowel movements for your baby. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What age did you introduce your little to her first carrot? Comment below and tag a fellow foodie to share #foodfacts with your #foodnerds.


Amara Best Baby Food _Food Fact 9a what nutrients when breastfeeding

Liquid Gold. That's what they call breast milk. For you to nourish your baby, you need to nourish yourself. This is why we're digging into the micronutrients you need when you're breastfeeding. 👉👉Look Below 👉👉for the full chart and read on for some more about brain nutrients and breastfeeding: .
- HIGHEST INTAKES: Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium .
- YOU ARE WHOLE: Micronutrients work together with brain health, gut health, mental health ... you name it. You're a complex system - one nutrient won't solve an issue - view it as a whole system working together, it all has an impact. .
- SUPPLEMENTS VS. FOOD: You can find these in supplements, but the best is to find them in whole foods so you can get the benefits of ALL the nutrients in that food
Stay tuned for more Food Fact Fridays @amarababyfood -- cheers to all you #foodnerds out there

Amara Best Baby Food _Food Fact 9b what nutrients when breastfeeding

TABLE from the Research from Linus Pauling Institute Oregon State University On Micronutrients Health


Like these Food Facts? Come join us every Friday on Instagram where we dive into food facts related to your baby's diet, gut health and so much more! 

At Amara, we truly believe that if we feed our babies real tastes, textures and nutrients of whole foods - we can change the way our future generations eat (and think!). Come try our organic baby food meals, full of rich tastes and nutrition. Amara, making homemade, possible.

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